2018 UX Design Trends You Need To Know About
You’ve probably read countless articles about UX trends for 2018. And whilst there are some very useful and practical trends that should be noted, what about the ones that ignite our creativity and get us pumped for the possibilities of the year ahead?
There are some extremely fun and entertaining technology trends on the horizon, but also, this year, UX designers are going to have a bit of fun with current trends. Here are four entertaining trends that will hopefully instil some vibrancy and joy into the hearts and minds of users and designers alike.
Storytelling in design
Sure, storytelling isn’t a new thing, but it will become more prominent. Storytelling is a way to capture people’s attention and hold it. You can draw on a user’s emotions and use this to encourage them to click through to the next stage of the user journey. You have a matter of seconds to capture someone’s imagination, and storytelling can be the perfect way to do it. It also makes your website more personal and human-friendly, and leaves people feeling positive about your brand.
Storytelling and writing have never been so present in the design world. As customer journeys become more fragmented, it is our job to ensure brands are telling a coherent story across channels — and that those stories are clear, interesting, and human. – UX Collective
Ever heard of UX writing? It was a theme that occurred throughout 2017, where the relationship between writers and UX experts grew stronger and more aligned. Rather than just seeing copy and design as two separate entities, it will become more of a partnership in 2018 and beyond. And this is how websites can successfully tell stories that resonate with users. Making a story come to life via a website’s design is a highly creative process which is great fun for designers and (if done correctly) always well received by users.
Voice search UI
Say what? Yes, it’s happening. User experience designers are all battling to figure out the best way to serve up nice juicy web pages that answer common voice queries. You see, voice queries are different to Google searches for example, where you might type in a few words.
Well with voice search, queries and longer and much more conversational, which means web pages need to serve up content that carries on the conversation and responds to voice queries in a logical way. The first step designers need to take is to realise people speak differently to how they type, and this needs to be accounted for.
Last year 20% of mobile queries were voice searches, according to Greg Sterling at Search Engine Land. Plus, Gartner predicts that by 2018, 30 percent of our interactions with technology will happen through conversations with voice-based systems.
What’s fun about voice search we hear you ask? Well, being able to speak into a device and have it serve up information instantly, as well as operate things around your home sounds pretty cool.
For those that think people aren’t really using voice search yet, think again. Today almost 1/3 of the global population owns smartphones that can be used for voice interaction.
And for UX designers, it’s time to start playing around with these devices more to determine their capabilities and get an idea of how to provide the best possible landing pages for tools like Alexa and Google voice. It’s also exciting because it’s a fresh new way of searching and digesting information.
Bold colours
Generally, pastel hues have been dominating the world of fashion, interior design and even web design in the last few years. You’ve probably seen your fair share of ‘rose gold’ accessories and soft palettes splashed across your computer screen.
But things could be set to change colour wise, with UX designers not being afraid to go for bolder colour combos. Especially as Pantone announced their colour of the year, which is ultra violet for 2018. How can you not feel happy after seeing a colour that reminds you of a chocolate brand? And last year it was greenery which was a huge hit across the board.
So get ready for not only bright colours, but bigger, bolder fonts and large headlines. Think bold warm colours like deep pinks, garish greens and warming yellow shades to brighten the soul. If applied properly, this will make websites look fresher and more vibrant. Also, keep an eye out for duotone overlays which have been used by brands like Spotify.
VR and AR
You may be getting tired of the continuous buzz around virtual reality and augmented reality. Perhaps you’re still sceptical of whether it could work. Well, some people are totally on board with it and see it transforming the way we digest content in 2018 and into the future. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example, who recently claimed at the Facebook F8 conference for developers that soon all screens will be replaced by lenses for the ultimate AR experience.
Now that’s a powerful thought. If that was too happy, UX designers would have to tackle a whole new board game, but that sure is an exciting prospect. Huge brands like Apple and Google are constantly testing the parameters of virtual reality and the chances of it become widespread over the next few years is becoming even more likely. Expect to see an increase in augmented reality apps for mobiles, and soon, websites too will utilise VR and AR techniques.