FinTech North Leeds Conference 2

FinTech North Leeds Conference

Date: 17th March 2021
Time: 09.00-16:30
Venue: AQL, Salem Chapel, Leeds
Platform: In-person, hybrid elements broadcast via Zoom & YouTube
Audience: c.350 registrations, c.200 in person, c.150 online – FinTech North community

Headline Sponsor: TruNarrative
Brand Sponsor: LION+MASON
Event Partners: AQL, Squire Patton Boggs

Conference Themes:

  • Sustainability
  • Better FinTech
  • Diversity and Inclusion
FinTech North Leeds Conference 4

Our very own UX Director Andy Curry spoke about how User Experience Design can help shape better FinTech.

Further Information

If you would like to speak at one of our events, obtain presentation slides or any further information please get in touch.

Email us

Or call us on: 020 3740 6260